How to Market to Smart People

Strategies for Building Trust and Loyalty with Savvy Consumers

Rafał Rybnik
6 min readSep 14, 2024

Marketing to smart people requires a different approach than traditional marketing strategies. Smart consumers are discerning, sceptical, and highly informed. Here’s how you can tailor your approach to appeal to this audience effectively.

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1. Start with a Product That Stands Out

It should go without saying, but it’s crucial: your product must be exceptional. If your product is mediocre, marketing efforts will be wasted. Smart consumers expect products that are not only functional but also innovative, flexible, and deep. When designing features, don’t just cover basic use-cases; anticipate the advanced scenarios that a smart person might envision. Flexibility is key. However, don’t fall into the trap of trying to be everything to everyone. A well-focused, polished product will resonate more than one that tries to do too much.

TESLA Model S Folio + 2007 Concept Art Design Renderings von Holzhausen (source)

Tesla Model S exemplifies this approach. Tesla didn’t just create an electric car; it created a high-performance, luxurious, and innovative vehicle that appealed to tech-savvy, environmentally…



Rafał Rybnik

I write to stock up my business toolbox. Marketing, politics, AI.