C programming — books, articles & other resources

Rafał Rybnik
2 min readAug 17, 2023

This is a list of resources I came across while learning to program in C. The list is constantly expanding, so bookmark this page for future reference.

Books & tutorials

“Learn C the Hard Way” — Zed A. Shaw


“If you are kind of person that learns by experimentation and figuring things out, and you appreciate the way he teaches the use of tools such as valgrind, it’s a good book for you. If prefer to have all your lesson material delivered, it’s not a good book.” — some Hacker News user

“Modern C” — Jens Gustedt


“Head First C“— David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths


C Internals


Algorithms Design (in C)


256-Color VGA Programming in C



Rafał Rybnik

I write to stock up my business toolbox. Marketing, politics, AI.